10 Reasons Why Website Backups Are Important
Are Website Backups important? Many situations can be resolved by keeping a recent backup of your site. In the event of data loss or the hacking of your website, having a backup is essential. Additionally, preparing a backup usually does not take more than a few minutes.Throughout this article, we will outline 10 reasons why you should back up your website immediately.
Let’s get started!
1. Protection against human error
It is inevitable that people will make mistakes at some point. For example, you may delete an important file on your website or modify it in such a way that it no longer functions as it once did. Although there are a number of ways to resolve these kinds of issues, restoring a previous backup is the most efficient method in our experience.
Imagine, for example, that a very large portion of your website is no longer functional. There are two options that you can choose from:
- Determine the problem and seek a solution.
- Restore your website’s most recent backup, and then continue your work.
The first method may be fast or it may take a substantial amount of time, depending on the severity of the issue. On the other hand, the second approach allows you to have your site up and running in a timely manner. The only thing you need is a recent backup so that you will not lose any valuable information.
2. Reverse issues during updates
To ensure the smooth operation of your site, regular updates are essential. In addition, it is not uncommon for your site to experience unexpected issues following updates. You should not refrain from making changes — just ensure that you do so in a safe manner. If possible, your site should have an automatic backup system in place. Therefore, if any of its key components need to be updated, a recent restore point will be available just in case.
Additionally, you should perform a manual backup before making any changes to your website.You might need a few minutes or even longer to prepare the backup. Nonetheless, you will be glad you took the time if there are any problems with the update process.
3. Ensure that data is not lost
Maintaining a backup system is primarily intended to ensure the safety of your data in the event that it is lost. It is therefore imperative that you have a full backup of your site, as well as a backup of your personal information.
Moreover, data loss can occur even in the absence of human error. Backups are therefore crucial, even if you and your team are well versed in the field.
If you are concerned about losing important data, we suggest you take one more step. In addition to having multiple backups available, you should avoid storing them all at the same location. Keeping a copy of your latest backup on your server as well as uploading them to the cloud is highly recommended for the purpose of redundancy.
4. Resolving compatibility issues after a new installation
You probably depend heavily on add-ons if you use WordPress or any other Content Management System (CMS), such as themes and plugins. These two types of tools can be extremely useful. The problem, though, is that each time you install a new add-on, you are introducing a new element to the site that might not integrate properly with the rest of the system.
Having said that, this does not mean you should avoid plugins and themes. As opposed to this, you should be careful which ones you install. Assure that their ratings and reviews are positive, and that they are updated frequently. Just to be on the safe side, you should also back up your website before activating a new theme or WordPress plugin.
5. Get rid of malware infections
There is a common misconception that malware only affects personal computers. Despite this, there are a surprising number of websites that are infected with Malware, and a large number of them are very vulnerable to it. Even if you are proactive regarding the security of your website, attackers possess highly sophisticated techniques. Do not forget that even smaller, less well-known websites are vulnerable to cyberattacks. It is not uncommon for WordPress users to encounter threats from computer programs that search for vulnerabilities to exploit.
It can be particularly challenging to troubleshoot malware, since it can be hard to determine when a site is truly free from it. However, you are still vulnerable if you do not identify and close the security ‘hole’ which led to the infection. The presence of a backup will make the process of cleaning your website more efficient and faster.
6. Protect your system from hackers
Taking the proper security precautions should prevent this from occurring. You should make sure that your web site has enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). There are three ways to respond if the system has been compromised:
- Attempt to gain access to the account through your email.
- Obtain assistance from your web hosting provider.
- Use your hosting panel to restore a backup.
Since attackers are likely to change the email associated with the account immediately, option one may not always work. You should be able to get help if you are using a reputable web host — but the process may take some time. On the other hand, restoring a backup can provide you with quick access to your site. In order to ensure that attackers are once again unable to access your system, you should update your credentials.
7. Migrate web hosts in a simple manner
Ideally, switching web hosts would not be necessary. It is a common mistake for people to choose the first provider they come across that appears to be competent. A situation like that usually ends badly, often resulting in a messy separation.
At some point, it is possible you will need to switch from one web host to another. All files on your website will be transferred from one server to another during this process. Fortunately, if you have taken the advice we gave you, then you have already copied your site multiple times.
In order to migrate your website, it is possible to make use of backups in many ways. Depending on your preferences, you can either copy files manually, use dedicated software, or ask your new provider to do it for you. Anyhow, having a backup available means that you can change web hosts at a moment’s notice if necessary, which gives you a wide range of freedom.
8. Making it Simple to Create a Testing Version of Your Website
In the event that you wish to make significant modifications to your website, the safest method for doing so would be to use a testing environment. In this way, you can prevent your live website from being affected by any problems during or following the update.
In order to accomplish this, you will require a staging site. In order to create one, there are a couple of possible approaches, all of which are fairly straightforward. The fact that you have an up-to-date backup of your site means you can create a staging copy in just a few minutes.
9. Maintain a constant revenue stream
You should ensure that your website is always accessible if you make money from it. It can cost you money for every minute it is not functioning. During Amazon’s Prime Day event this year, a momentary downtime cost Amazon between $72 and $99 million, just to give you an idea of the stakes.
Small businesses are unlikely to deal with such numbers. Nevertheless, this is even more reason to ensure you do not lose out on any potential earnings due to website issues. A loss of a single hour’s income (or one day’s income!) can have a significant impact on a business.
As we discussed earlier, troubleshooting unexpected problems can take a lot of time. As an alternative, restoring a backup will allow you to restore your website quickly and start earning money. After this, you will have more time to investigate what went wrong in the first place and prevent it from occurring again.
10. Strengthen security practices
There is no question that backups are as versatile as slices of bread. Additionally, you have a long list of options available for backing up your website, so there is no excuse not to do so. Data backup, in general, is an essential part of digital security.
Consider also implementing some of the other best security practices that you can implement if you take your website seriously. As a first step, it is advisable to create a backup immediately and to repeat the procedure frequently. There will come a time when it will save your website, so now is the best time to get started.