Eight Steps Toward Becoming A Successful Leader
We must focus on actions, rather than just appearances if we are to become good leaders ourselves. In the title of this article, eight steps are referred to, but they are not progressive steps as so many recipes and instructions suggest.
The ability to lead is crucial to success in life. Our ability to lead others cannot be separated from our willingness to lead ourselves. There is no success in life if we follow other people blindly. There are times when we must forge our own path.
The quality of a good leader goes beyond being the first to show up. Leadership requires action. Our culture seems to simply accept that someone looks or sounds like a leader, but we rarely pay attention to what that leader actually does, and that is the true test of leadership.
We must focus on actions, rather than just appearances if we are to become good leaders ourselves. In the title of this article, eight steps are referred to, but they are not progressive steps as so many recipes and instructions suggest. Rather than thinking of them as one-off actions, consider them as regular actions.
One, Start by keeping an eye out for new opportunities
Life isn’t static but rather changing all the time. People who have achieved greatness include inventors, explorers, and social change agents. Many of the people who are successful simply have the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time. It may have been right for them, but if they didn’t see it coming, then it wouldn’t have mattered if they were in the right place.
Two, you should accept inspiration from whomever you find it; even from your enemies.
Leaders who study competitors are always on top of their game. We are constantly exposed to this kind of research and reconnaissance in war, politics, and business. Throughout a certain study, many are too focused on locating a weakness to exploit. Make sure you don’t fall victim to this trend if you want to be a leader of positive change. Make sure to avoid those pitfalls yourself if you find a weakness. You can match the strength with your own qualities if you find the strength.
Three, keep learning something new every day and promoting it.
In other words, you need to expand your horizons on both an internal and external level. Continue to expand your horizons socially and learn new things. Engage in new social situations and meet new people. It’s never too late to gain new leadership experiences.
Four, look for subtle clues and find answers there.
Don’t stop questioning and look for clues. This is a continuation of the third step in that you are seeking new knowledge. As a result, you must also depart from the traditional paths of knowledge. Reading only books on the bestseller list or the literary canon is not enough. The format of seminars allows for more opportunities for discussion and questioning than in classes. Seek out unconventional teachers, writers, and thinkers.
Five, In case there are no existing solutions, improvise.
There are no excuses. Need drives invention. Having never tried it, how can you be sure it won’t work? It’s not necessary to take the lead on every project. Try different solutions in a variety of combinations after considering the problem from all angles.
Six, make someone you care about happy at least once every day.
Taking every day as a mission to be thoughtful and kind to one person will soon become a habit, and this habit will spread to others. It is also satisfying to make others happy. If we all spread happiness a little bit more, the world would be a much better place.
Seven, offer assistance, even if you don’t gain anything from it.
That means more than handing over money. You must also give your time and energy. It may mean helping a stranger or it may mean something very personal.
Eight, finally, do not let negativity be your last word on this matter.
You can be hopeful about the potential of a project or action, but if your final words are negative you will leave a negative impression on others. Positive reinforcement will increase your chances of success.
You will become a better leader if you follow these eight action steps. Read on: