Looking for the best page builder that you can use with your WordPress site? Then Elementor might be the right choice for you. We hope that our review of Elementor, which is mostly done by developers, will help you decide whether or not to invest in the product.
How does using Elementor benefit my business?
In its short lifetime, Elementor has already become one of the most popular WordPress plugins, with over 5 million websites using it while maintaining a 94% rating on 5827 reviews on WordPress.org.
The Elementor plugin allows you to access advanced styling and layout options without knowing code. This lets you create advanced content without worrying about complex coding. In the new Elementor Pro version, you will even have the ability to design your WordPress theme also without having to know anything about coding.
- In contrast to the standard post/page templates that come with your WordPress theme, with Elementor you can easily build original-looking posts and pages with your own style.
- In addition, you get a completely separate interface for working on your posts and pages — so the majority of your work won’t be done in the standard block editor that comes with WordPress.
- There’s no need to know HTML, CSS, PHP or any coding skills to use it — it’s all done through an intuitive user interface.
- There is a very straightforward way of displaying the results of your work on your website, meaning it shows the results of your work as they should be seen right away in a real-time manner via the front end of your website.
- The WordPress template allows you to create any kind of layout and content that you can imagine, regardless of the limitations of the WordPress theme that you are using currently.
- Furthermore, it is designed to work with all theme types, so that you can keep your current design, while still getting the benefits of the Elementor plugin.
- The biggest benefit of using Elementor, therefore, is that you can create impressive page layouts/designs, regardless of the fact that you’re not a professional or do not have experience in making websites.
- In particular, this is especially important if you are on a tight budget and will not be able to hire someone you can trust with building your website.
- You can use it for free. And you can get most of the service without upgrading to Pro.
In my experience, people seem to appreciate that DIY principle a lot. It is well known that more than 5+ million WordPress websites have been installed and running with Elementor at the time of writing this article. Elementor has indeed taken the internet by storm, and with the number of people using it so far it seems to be unstoppable.
The disadvantages of Elementor
- Customizing links often does not go as planned. This means you’ll have to work with the default typography and color settings, which may not be what you’re looking for.
- If you’re having trouble finding the exact margin value responsible for an alignment problem, it’s hard to pinpoint where the problem lies. For example, you may have a primary block, a column inside it, and then a content element inside that. Margins are set differently on each.
After reviewing Elementor, I think you should choose it if you wish to use a drag-and-drop page builder plugin for WordPress. Despite there being alternative solutions on the market, Elementor is unique in that anyone can use it (including beginners), and you do not need to upgrade to a paid license.
What does it costs?
If you want to know more information about the prices and what they include, click here.