How to create content for your blog?

Tank Studio Lab
8 min readAug 17, 2021


Writing can be hard, but having a plan makes it easier. When you’re creating a blog, you usually know what you want to talk about. However, at the time of consistently creating content, it may seem like you’ve covered all the topics as if you’ve run out of ideas. How to prevent this? There are ways to plan content writing for your blog that can help you generate content for months. Here are some tips for creating content for your blog.

Checking trends

Person checking trends for blog creation

Before you start writing it is highly recommended to explore what are the trends of your topic. I mean, if you have a travel blog, you have to do a little research on what people are looking for about travel. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to copy other people’s content, but that you’re going to look for ways to create something that works with your topic, with what people want to know, and what can help you appear among the first search options.

Review search trends

This is the part where you investigate what people are looking for. Knowing what people are looking for most about your topic will help you think about ideas for articles that will be relevant. That way you stay relevant to more people.

These are not only specific topics but also types of articles. Going back to the travel blog example, there may be a lot of interest in beach reviews but you also see that travel guides, about any place are highly sought after. So, making a travel guide about a beach destination would be a great idea, but you can also make guides from other places.

You can use different Google tools for this, like Google Trends or Google Advanced Search. You can also investigate when searching on YouTube or Quora, you’ll see that videos are trending about travel or that people are asking about travel.


All your posts should be optimized for SEO. If you have no idea what I’m talking about or don’t know where to start, I recommend you read some articles on SEO. This blog is from a web developer and has simple information about it. I recommend reading these two: How To Write Attractive Content With Good SEO? and SEO FAQs — All You Need To Know

If you already handle some SEO, you know that keywords are vital for search engines to understand what your content is about. These are relevant words in your content that are also paired with people’s searches.

Researching specific keywords related to your topic will help you include them in your content. but also, they can be a good way for you to come up with new topics to deal with.

Watch the news

What happens in the world also affects your online existence. If there is a big story related to the topic of your blog you can use it to write a post about it. If it’s a trend among your audience, it’ll give you a lot of notoriety. Although you must be quick, the news gets old very soon, you have to take advantage of just the window of interest.

What is your focus?

Stairs with quote: all ideas grow out from other ideas. Anish Kapoor

When we decide to have a blog we already imagine what we want to write about. However, the subject can be very broad, maybe we want to talk about food, what about food? We can never cover everything and focusing on just one thing is quite beneficial to go deep into the topics and generate specialized content.

How is this done? You have to think, define exactly what things we want to deal with on our topic. If we have a travel blog maybe we want to give reviews of non-tourist places, maybe we want to tell anecdotes, share photo albums, give travel tips… And we can do everything, but we must give everyone their space.

Turning these spotlights into categories will help you generate content. think of categories will give you ideas about what kind of articles you would like to post on each. It will also help you to have much more specific posts. Maybe you were thinking about writing a review of the last hotel you stayed in, but suddenly you went off on a tangent about a funny anecdote that happened to you there. There is no reason to dismiss the idea, just write it down and give it its place. So, from what used to look like a post, two come out and it’s clearer to your audience what your site is all about.

Know your audience


Do you know who you’re writing for? Do you want young people to read to you? Is it important to have children or pets? Are you interested in being relevant for large companies? Before writing you have to think about who we would like to read us ideally. For what?

Well, then we can adjust our content to what that audience is looking for or needs. This is different from the trends, a person may be looking for some travel information and not necessarily be your target audience. What do I mean? Someone looking for information about a certain place in the world and finding your blog is not necessarily a traveler interested in reading guides or anecdotes from your blog or tips. Your audience is the people who have reasons related to your topic to consume your content.

Imagining your audience and getting to know it is important. If you imagine your audience, you can generate content that is attractive to them. But also, if you analyze it and get to know who visits your blog you can realize that maybe you are attractive to a group of people you never thought of. You can get to know your audience through a comment section and have direct contact with them. Or you can use your social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, which have analytics sections that let you view data about your followers.


Person planning for blog creation

The last three sections talk about research, things that we need to know before writing or that help us generate ideas. But without order, they don’t do much good. You have to learn how to use the information we collect.

Make a document in which you keep your topic ideas for articles. Have a list of the categories, ranking your ideas into the categories, and linking them to the keywords you’ve researched that are relevant. This way, you will have a repertoire of post ideas that will help you to be constantly publishing.

When writing

woman writing for blog post creation

But what do you do when you write? It’s one thing to have the ideas and information important to be relevant, and it’s quite another thing to generate content. There are aspects that one must take care of within the content, one must have a good format and take care that we are being friendly with the reader.

How is it achieved? With some structure. In its most basic terms, every article has a title, a body (or development), and a conclusion. Let’s see what’s important to cover in each area.

  • Title: Your title must be attractive. That’s the first thing readers will see and it will define whether they want to open your page link or not. Usually, posts that start with phrases like: “10 best…”, “tips for…” or “how…” are much liked by readers. People are much more likely to be interested in a post if it has a good title. Plan yours well, make sure they make clear what the article is about but generate expectations.
  • Body: This is the part of the text where you develop your theme. Divide it into sections! It’s much easier to read when there are section headings. It helps readers go straight to what they are interested in knowing and is more eye-pleasing. It also helps you stay on topic and stay focused and with ideas flowing when writing.
  • Conclusion: At the end of the text it is convenient to include a conclusion where you collect the most relevant of your text. If you conclude with a question you might get interactions from your followers in the comments. On the other hand, the conclusion is very important because many people who open a post jump to the conclusion and read it to see if it is worth reading the rest of the text. Don’t overlook it.

Do more with your current content


Finally, when you run out of ideas, review your current content. You may already have enough content generated on your blog and need time to think about new ideas or if you’re going in a different direction. In the meantime, your blog doesn’t have to die. You can always do things that keep you relevant to search engines.

One is to update and edit. Check your current content, find bugs, things you want to rewrite, links you need to fix. When updating your content, search engines notice the changes and want you to maintain the content you have.

On the other hand, what if you decide to do something new with the content you already have? You could produce videos with your most popular posts. People love watching videos, a video might get the attention of people who weren’t coming to your blog before. Diversify your content with video blogs. Why not?

To conclude

Woman checking ideas for blog creation

If writing is not an easy job, you have to make it easy. Pre-researching our topic and planning with ideas, keywords and categories will save us a lot of time that we will use writing instead of thinking about what to write about. On the other hand, taking care that our structure is easy to read and attractive to readers is crucial to getting people interested in our blog. When there’s nothing left to do, you can always update the content or create videos from it.

And do you have a system to write your blogs? Share it in the comments.

Originally published at on August 17, 2021.



Tank Studio Lab
Tank Studio Lab

Written by Tank Studio Lab

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