Multimedia Exhibits: Startling Exhibitions for Their Use of Technology
In the art world, multimedia displays are becoming increasingly common. In them art and technology come together to give rise to new forms of expression. In recent years the digital world has had much more weight and art has not been left behind. Below you’ll find some of the exhibits that have given more to talk about in recent years and others that are just about to show how much impact they will have.
Frida Kahlo: the Experience at Neptune Palace
The work of the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo is distinguished by showing the intimacy of suffering. The self-portrait was the painter’s favorite, reflecting her emotional and physical sorrows. In a way, Frida’s works bare her soul before the viewer, they are a look at the sentimental life of the artist.
Therefore, an innovative way to consume his work is through photographs that expose fragments of his life. The Madrid Museum of Digital Arts proposes this with an exhibition of photographs (many of them unpublished) on the life of Frida Kahlo. The photographs are displayed in large-format projections covering the walls of the Palace of Neptune.
Frida Kahlo: The Experience is an exhibition that understands the meaning of the artist’s work throughout her life and uses technology to bring it closer to the public.
The exhibition will be available from 17 December 2021 to 29 May 2022.
Raven Kwok at the MuDA
The MuDA Museum in Zurich was pleased to exhibit the work of Raven Kwok from 7 March to 19 July 2020. Unfortunately the museum has been forced to close permanently, however, on its website it is still possible to find some samples of his work.
At the time, Kwok’s art gave us something to talk about because of how it incorporated art and technology. In fact, the MuDA page describes Kwok’s profile as a visual artist, animator and programmer. The concept behind his works is based on studying the patterns found in nature, their balance and beauty and reinterpreting them through installations that incorporated programming codes, as well as digital illustrations. This multimedia exhibition was a demonstration of how technology can be used in the service of art.
Screen Series at The New Museum
The New Museum in New York is a great space for contemporary art. The aim of this museum is to give space to the art of our times, so it is not unusual to find in its galleries exhibitions where art and technology become one.
The Screen Series was a project initiated by the museum to have a permanent video exhibition of artists working in various artistic media, from sculpture to artificial intelligence or music. The screenings in the galleries of the museum have been very successful, although it has not been the only way to enjoy this multimedia exhibition. In 2020, faced with the threat of COVID, the exhibition became online and remains available on the museum’s website to bring art to the homes of many more people.
The Garden of Delights of the 21st Century in Matadero Madrid
The Garden of Delights is a 16th-century work by Bosch. This work is a wooden triptych, that is, a painting divided into three different parts. In it Adam and Eve are depicted on the left side, in the middle as the main part we see paradise and finally hell. The work of Bosch speaks to us of religious morality and the dangers of sin. However, the day of hy is filled with meaning that continues to resonate with humanity.
Therefore, in Matadero Madrid, the exhibition El Jardín de las Delicias del Siglo XXI brings together the works of different artists who re-imagine the meaning of the work. In turn, they renew it through innovative means such as digital art, artificial intelligence, and sounds that immerse viewers in the experience. It is the sound composition of Enrique del Castillo that receives visitors to this exhibition. Among the most innovative is the work of Mario Klingemann, who uses artificial intelligence to reinterpret the Garden of Delights.
The exhibition was inaugurated on October 21, 2021, and will remain available until February 27, 2022.
The Alchemists of the Future- The Journey at Ars Electronica Center
The Ars Electronica Centre is home to the most innovative multimedia exhibitions of the moment. Last year in their galleries they hosted an exhibition made for the reflection of our time and our choices.
This multimedia exhibition did not have a predetermined order, only a beginning and the viewer was free to choose how they want to interact with different works available. The first was titled Hands for the Future, in which the hand of the attendee to the exhibition was scanned and could arrange an intention for the tour, which was shown with e-ink. There was also an installation where you can compose music with emotions. For its part, Memo Futurum invited people to imagine life 25 years from now.
It is hoped that soon there will be an online experience to live this multimedia display at home.
Future Ages will Wonder in FACT Liverpool
The motive of art is humanity itself. The purpose of every artistic form is to understand the human experience. This is precisely the reason for Future Ages Will Wonder, a multimedia exhibition that combines art and technology to reflect on the meaning of humanity and our place on the planet.
The exhibition consists of pieces of traditional art such as sculptures, photographs and textiles, as well as new age media such as virtual reality, computer algorithms and synthetic DNA. The integration of these media unites what art has been in the past and what it is today. In this way the evolution of humanity is drawn through art and technology.
Conclusions on multimedia exhibitions and art + technology
These are just some of the multimedia exhibits of recent years. It is to be expected that many will come in the future and give much more to talk about. It is noteworthy that, despite having very current tools and means, the purpose of art is still to reflect, criticize or understand our reality, that is, to question the viewer.
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