Technology and Contemporary Art | How Digital Art Affects Arts Nowadays
How digital art changed the world? There is this idea that creating artworks today must be hard. Art can compete with a world heavily dominated by technology? Some people believe this is clear: art is losing the battle to technology. Technology is more of an ally than an enemy to art. However, how does technology impact contemporary art? What do digital art and design have to do with it?
Right now, technology is ruling the world. Yet people often forget that art cannot exist in a vacuum. What do digital art and design have to do with it? It doesn’t matter what the social climate, what time period, or what country it is.
The arts will always manage to adapt to their surroundings and trends. Real-life helps to shape art. And that’s how digital art affects arts nowadays.
How digital art changed the world? Brief History of Digital Art
In the 60s, people began exploring the idea of combining visual art and technology. John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Whitman, Yvonne Rainer, and other New York artists created world-first performances incorporating new technology at the world-renowned Bell Laboratories in the 40s.
The first installations and performances that promoted tech-based art created the foundation for the further development of digital art. What was digital art and design at that time?
A major influence on modern art, Andy Warhol used video, film, and screen printing. These mediums helped him bring his work to the public’s attention. A little-known fact, however, is that Warhol was also a pioneer of digital art.
As a brand ambassador for Commodore International, he created digital drawings on an Amiga computer to advertise the company’s computer system and software. The images were lost and forgotten, until they were rediscovered in 2014 by Cory Arcangel, an NYC-based multimedia artist, as part of Carnegie Mellon University’s computer club’s efforts to find and restore the images. That’s how digital art changed the world.
The 90s saw the beginning of the internet and technology revolution. People realized the potential of this virtual global network, so the digital art scene exploded. What are digital art and design then? Artists have used the internet to make their artwork more visible, increasing accessibility to a global audience.
Additionally, advanced technology allowed artists to transform their artwork, thus becoming an important artistic medium.
How digital art changed the world? Artwork supplies
New things increase due to technology in recent years. A variety of products and software are invented every day. For every invention, there is an innovation. Art benefits from this constant flow of something new. What do digital art and design have to do with it?
That’s how digital art affects arts nowadays. Paint, paintbrushes, canvas, pencils, and many other art supplies are pretty traditional.
Nowadays, however, they have more options than before. Digital art can now be created with gadgets such as tablets and digital pens, as well as software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. That’s how digital art and design are created. Additionally, these will reduce the amount of stress that artists experience while creating artwork.
Previously, artists had to ensure that every stroke or movement was just right to avoid mistakes and accurately depict their intended message. They can modify their work with a click. It reduces the hassle for artists without compromising their creativity. That’s how digital art changed the world.
What do digital art and design have to do with it? Essentially, technology allows an artist to broaden his or her horizons while keeping problems at a minimum. The production of art has become less demanding, and artists now have more time to consider their work and expand their creativity.
How digital art changed the world? Much easier to access
One had to visit a gallery or a museum in order to see an artist’s work. Many people see that as a deal-breaker. Traveling miles to visit the nearest museum requires lots of effort. Also, art galleries and museums charge admission, so money is also required.
Then, people will elect to stay at home, to save both energy and money.
Artists may face this issue. Art is a job, so it makes sense that they’d make money off of it, but if your work is confined to a museum, then only a small number of people can see it. Isn’t it pointless to make art if not everyone can see and enjoy it? What do digital art and design have to do with it?
Thankfully, technology has come to the rescue. That’s how digital art changed the world. Social media has made it possible for artists to showcase their work to millions of viewers for free.
In addition to increasing engagement between artists and their audiences, social media have made art more participatory. This has led to a more diverse audience for art, that’s how digital art affects arts nowadays.
This will enhance the visibility and recognition of artists, and will hopefully lead to more profit for them. Additionally, a wider audience will be able to enjoy their artwork.
Conclusion: how digital art changed the world?
As opposed to popular belief, technology is actually an ally of art. Utilize technology to the fullest extent in the production of your own art if you are an artist. This tool may surprise you in just how much it can help you in the end.
In addition, technology provides art enthusiasts and collectors with platforms to build their collections and share them with others.
What do digital art and design have to do with it? Through interactive and highly-engaging digital art pieces and projects, technologies and social media have also revolutionized the traditional art scene.
Technologies and social media have disrupted the contemporary art and art market in so many ways, changing how art is created, consumed, and shared in our connected world.
That’s how digital art changed the world. From AI (Artificial Intelligence), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), to digital designs and 3D printers, technology, and social media has changed this ecosystem.
What do digital art and design have to do with it? Technology is not only a versatile and expressive medium of art, but it can also help artists gain much-needed visibility and exposure for their works.
And that’s how digital art affects the arts nowadays. They can easily promote their work and stay connected to the artistic community with the help of several online art platforms.
Artistic vision and its history are better understood with the help of virtual technology, which brings masterpieces closer to the audience. Museums around the world offer online tours for those who are otherwise not able to visit their facilities. That’s how digital art changed the world.
The innovative use of technology is enabling some museums to develop mobile apps that answer visitors’ questions with a button.
What do digital art and design have to do with it? It is certain that the future will continue to transform the way artists express and share their creativity so as to inspire and influence humanity at its best.
Did you learn what is digital art and design? how has digital art changed the world? how digital art affects arts nowadays?